
Role of a Fire Chaplain

Fire Chaplains provide faith based aid, comfort, counsel and help to our members of the Fire Department, both civilian and sworn, and their families.

Fire Chaplains are members of the clergy from all faith traditions who are respectful of and committed to harmonious and cooperative co-existence with other religious beliefs without being required to compromise their own beliefs or convictions.

Fire Chaplains exhibit their faith through service and not by proselytizing or attempting to force beliefs onto those being served.  Instead, Fire Chaplains provide a safe, welcoming and comforting presence to our members and their families. 

Fire Chaplains help our members and their families when they are facing some type of tragedy or difficulty in their lives. Fire Chaplains assist them in identifying and drawing upon a core of support (co-workers, family, friends, clergy, and social services) in order to carry them through the days and months following the immediate crisis.  Clergy often refer to this type of activity as “pastoral care” or “compassionate ministry.”

Fire Chaplains visit the sick, serve as counselors, practice and exhibit ethical behavior.

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